Welcome to Nature Nook
Welcome to Nature Nook
Let's learn happily.

About Nature Nook

Make a Difference. Storytelling. Nature Science.Art. A unique learning environment that combines bilingual stories, art and nature. 讓孩子在自然中學習,我們喜歡以說故事及動手做的方式,帶領孩子進入學習佳境, 開啟孩子靈敏五感,啟動想像力,並藉由實際思考解決問題,培養生活的真正能力。


Latest courses, events and news.最新課程,活動及消息。
Nature Nook全新課程,每堂課透過歌曲、故事和親自動手,一起探索植物世界,孩子們將與自然的美好重新連結。
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Nature Nook與屏東蔡伊斯升學中心合作開課,帶領孩子將科學帶入日常生活中。歡迎接洽合作開課。
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Our Courses


Class Highlights

Show me the story

Show me the story

Our kids picked the different backgrounds for their stories. We also used the finger puppets to do the different way of the storytelling. Kids also built vocabulary for using on their own stories.


Before the leaves change its color to yellow, our kids collected different leaves from many sorts of the plants in our yard and made that into awesome pictures all by themselves.
Prevention is better than cure

Prevention is better than cure

environmental protection
Since global warming and sea levels rising have become a severe problem for our future, Dr. CJ facilitated our senior students to learn and think more about the issue not only by reading but deep thinking activity.


Our little kids did the three-dimensional trees after our storytelling time. They also built their creativity and skill with this complex activity of art.
108 Curriculum

108 Curriculum

Village and Castle Keep project was completed tonight. The senior students will present the model to our local high school library for everyone to enjoy. Great Job Students.


plant creative
Students created a miniature garden in a tea pot. Using soil and a succulent plant the children designed a beautiful stone environment with a floating butterfly and ladybug.

Dr.CJ 專欄


Beneath the Archtopis

Candy caramels chupa chups. Icing jujubes cake pudding. Muffin sweet caramels dragée candy cotton candy macaroon tart sugar plum. Soufflé gingerbread sweet roll ice cream. Sweet bear claw dessert. Gingerbread chocolate brownie chocolate cake gummies

Creex and the Crow

Candy caramels chupa chups. Icing jujubes cake pudding. Muffin sweet caramels dragée candy cotton candy macaroon tart sugar plum. Soufflé gingerbread sweet roll ice cream. Sweet bear claw dessert. Gingerbread chocolate brownie chocolate cake gummies

The Rusalki

Candy caramels chupa chups. Icing jujubes cake pudding. Muffin sweet caramels dragée candy cotton candy macaroon tart sugar plum. Soufflé gingerbread sweet roll ice cream. Sweet bear claw dessert. Gingerbread chocolate brownie chocolate cake gummies

Misadventures of Zwedel Novice Wizard

Candy caramels chupa chups. Icing jujubes cake pudding. Muffin sweet caramels dragée candy cotton candy macaroon tart sugar plum. Soufflé gingerbread sweet roll ice cream. Sweet bear claw dessert. Gingerbread chocolate brownie chocolate cake gummies


Happiness index


Teamwork ability




Interesting index